My trip to England Part 1

Photography is a big thing in my life, it takes a lot of free time and I really love it.
Because of photography I meet a lot of different people with the same hobby.

It’s the reason I ended up in England. Some of my tog friends live over there. We set a date, I booked a plane and before you know it, you’re in England. The flight only lasted for 35 minutes.

I was picked up at the airport by my friend Graham. We had to make a short drive to his home and I met his wife and his dogs. I felt really welcome. We had a nice chat and it was time to go to bed. The next day we had to wait for Mark to come over and we go out to tog.

In the morning, Graham and I went out exploring Rayleigh. Or I did, because Graham knows the way. We visited a really nice church with and super graveyard. The people who know some of my work, see sometimes pass some cool graveyards I visited. A strange hobby but I like the live that has been there and the people who lived it. There’s a story to pick up.


After togging we went to a supermarket, I just can’t get used of the driving at the wrong side of the road and sitting and the right side of the car without a steering wheel in front of me. Who invented the wrong driving??? The English are strange people 😉 I get a fit if the car comes from the wrong side and the people are watching their phone behind the steering wheel or is a kid. Oh no, the don’t drive, they sit beside the driver. But one thing is the same… The drivers that come from the right are getting first at the equal road. Why didn’t they change that to the left likes all the other things they do different?

But we went in the supermarket, got the things we needed and wen’t to the lady behind the cash deck. I had a hard time to understand her. She talked so fast and my English isn’t that good. It has been a few (ahum) years I got English at school, I write a lot of English the last year, but speaking it is something different. My host, Graham, I understand him perfect and most of the time he understands me. English with a strong Dutch accent and some Dutch words in between.

Around noon Mark arrived and when I had all his stuff in, we went to have some Jelly Eels at Leigh on Sea! I let Graham eat haring in The Netherlands so now I had to try some Jelly eels… Graham ordered a big cup of the eels and also a rollmop for me. (jeuh!)

I’m a big girl and will try it, but I really don’t understand the jelly with the fish. There is also a fishbone left in the eel and you have to roll it out with your tongue. (WHY???) They put some vinegar and pepper over it and off you go…


Pic by Graham
Pic by Graham

It tasted almost like nothing! I really don’t understand the fuss about it. When you get off the jelly, the eel is almost nothing in taste. But ok, I tried it. We wandered around a bit more and then went back to the car. Just in time, we forgot to get a parking ticket and a guard was watching Graham’s car. But gladly he didn’t got a fine.

For dinner we went to a fish and chips store and I choose a fish and chips. You can’t have been in England without eating fish and chips can’t you. We took it back home and eat our dinner. It’s tasted ok, but I missed some vegetables with it. Yep I’m a naggy Dutch…

We had a lovely evening, talking and editing our pics.

If you are curious for more pics, you can check them out here!

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