AR!E dag 2017

Zondag 9 juli 2017

Ik had eerder een mail gekregen dat ik uitgenodigd was bij de AR!E dag, lekker BBQ-en, genieten van muziek en lekker bijkletsen met mensen. Zo’n uitnodiging laat ik niet liggen.

We moesten om 14.00u verzamelen op een parkeerplaats in Drunen. Daar werden we opgehaald door de leden van AR!E. Vanuit daar gingen we in colonne richting de feestlocatie.


Op de locatie aangekomen, werden we verblijd door muziek van The Difference. Deze dame en heren zetten een stevig stukje muziek voor ons weg, met een leuke aankleding. Top allemaal, we hopen jullie nog vaker te zien.

The Difference

We hadden het weer dik getroffen met het weer. Het was ronduit warm! Het zweet stond me op de rug, gelukkig was er drinken genoeg, een gevalletje “keuze GENOEG!!!” Kortom, top verzorgt. Na een spetterend optreden van de dame en heren, was het tijd voor een setje AR!E’s. Genieten!


Na de eerste set was het etenstijd en werden we voorzien van een heerlijke BBQ. Tijd om eens lekker wat bij te buurten met de aanwezige gasten. Na het eten de tweede set, allemaal verzoeknummers van het publiek en dat levert mooie momenten op.


Ik kan nog veel meer vertellen, maar leuker is om de foto’s zelf te bekijken.

Iedereen die deze dag mogelijk heeft gemaakt: DANKJEWEL! Ik heb genoten en vele met mij.

Meer foto’s zien, check ze hier!

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The pictures can be used with ©Eigengeraaid logo, original size/cut and with name tag. The pictures can’t be used for commercial purpose without permission from Eigengeraaid. For questions:

My trip to England Part 4 (the last one)

This morning I got up by 9am, about 3 hours later then the other days. I had a long editing night and put on Part 1 online. Bentley was also awake and we got outside. It was a lovely day, the sun was shining. Back home it was raining I read on the family app. Took a picture to show the whether and enjoyed the sun.


I’m not that quick in the morning so we where ready to go at noon. Had some breakfast just before we took off to the motorshow. Graham and I had a nice ride in the car over there, what a lovely sunny day. Much better then it should be.

We wandered around at the motor show, took some shots of bikes and people.

Motor show

After a while, we had seen enough and went to a nice little restaurant, we find a place in the garden. I ordered a green tea. I start to learn it, because the English make a different tea then the Dutch do.

We went back to the home and I took some pics of the dogs. Edited them and looked around on Facebook and put the other part of my story online. We got in time to the airport of Southend, I didn’t want to arrive late and also because I’ve had been for 4,5 days with Graham and his lovely wife. I could guess they wanted to be toghter, no crazy Dutch running around in their home 😉

Bentley and Mia

And here I am now. Just typing the story and waiting for my plane to come and check in. I think a little half hour before we can check inn. I will finish this story when I’m safely at home.


And that’s where I am now. Back in the Netherlands.
We had a good and short flight. It took only 30 minutes to fly to Schiphol. The plane had a nice landing and it didn’t took long before we passed passport control. Saw my suitcase instantly (Pimp your suitcase and it isn’t hard to find anymore) I got out of the airport, but didn’t know where my husband would be. He followed the navigation, but ours is old, so he took a wrong turn. I asked someone who was working outside and he showed me where the car could stop. He even walked up there with me. What a nice man to show me the way. I wanted to send a app to the hubby, but a car stopped and asked: Do you need a lift? Jeuh, it was my husband. Perfect timing!

On out way home, I talked to him all the time in the car. Things I had seen and done in England. He is known with the fact I can talk a lot, but he don’t mind. We had a nice and smooth ride. Quiet on the road for Dutch  standards, no traffic jams.

At home, our little Queen almost cried. She reconized me, the eldest didn’t. She never understand it when I’m away for a few days. And the youngest was also happy to see me. Always nice to see your dogs again. We got ourselfs a nice drink, talked some more and watched some pictures.

Bedtime for me, next day I had to work and I always start early in the morning.

Thanks for everybody who made my few days in England great and onforgettable! Really enjoyed beeing there.
Hope to visite you again.

For all the pictures of this day, click here!

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My trip to England Part 3

After we came home from London, Mark had to go home unfortunately. He packed his car and had to drive for 2 hours. Graham and I could sit in the sofa editing our pictures. My feet where “killing” me and my back was glad to be released from my backpack and cams. It was a lovely day, but it was enough. About 10h I had a hard time to keep my eyes open so I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up with Bentley the dog next to me. He’d keep me company during the night. Had a nice shower en went on editing. Graham and I planned a nice and easy day. After breakfast, we got in the car and drove to Epping using the M25, the highway around London.


We parked at Epping station and got on a historical bus. The green line, a double decker. It was a nice and bumpy ride over to North Weald where the preserved railway station was.

We wandered around and took some nice pics of the different trains and the railway station itself. They had diesel trains and steam trains, all in perfect conditions. There work a lot of volunteers to keep the railway at it’s best.


We got on the train to Ongar, I’d never heard of this place. It was a 15 minutes ride and the train didn’t go faster then 25 miles a hour. Graham told me it was a rule in England, just for the safety of the people who ride on these trains.

In Ongar we got in a shop and bought a little present for my beloved ones at home. (I hope they will like it!)
After the giftshop we got something to drink and Graham got a little cake also. (I can’t have them) In England, they make the tea very strong, not the way I like it. But Graham asked the guy to get the bag out, because I don’t like the black tea. Too late hihihihi. But it tasted fine for the moment.

We walked a little bit around the railway station to make so pictures and went back on the station. We walked towards the signal house. Graham has been a signal man for many years at the underground. We asked if we could come in the signal box to have a look. We were friendly invited by the man who was working there at that moment.


The men talked about the signal box and I made some pictures, always searching for a nice shot. But I listen meanwhile so I understood better what they do up there and what’s the purpose of it all. I never visited a signal box before, would have thought it was a small box that gives signals to trains, not man operated.

We got back in the train to North Weald, a diesel this time. I was invited in the front to make some pictures. And because we weren’t leaving yet, I got out the train again to make some pictures of it.


We made a bumpy but nice ride back. At the train station I got a sandwich with bacon because I only had breakfast. After that, me made some pics of the bus and Graham bought himself a puzzle.

A little bit scared, we went back to Epping with the bus. But that was mainly because I saw the driver and he had the same age as the bus did. He drove like a mad man with such a big bus. I was really glad when we entered the railway station of Epping.

Graham and I got back to Rayleigh and went to the supermarket. He needed some onions and mushrooms for his spaghetti. I search for some dessert and a bar of chocolate. Back home Graham made a nice spaghetti but that was because I cut the onions the Dutch way 😉 And a fish as dessert Graham???


We had a lovely night with his wife, talking and some editing!

f you want to see some more pics, check them out here!

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My trip to England (London) Part 2

After a not so good night, I got up and got dressed after a nice warm shower. I was sitting in the living room with Graham and his wife when Mark walked in. He slept in the shed. He looked even worse in the morning then I did (hihihihi)

We took a breakfast and went to the railways station with the car. Bought a ticket for the whole day and off we go to London. I had never been in London so everything was new. We stopped at Liverpool Station and took a quick breath outside. There where people close by talking and I looked at them and talked back to say hello, In Dutch! Always nice to hear your own language.

Liverpool station

We got in the underground, skipped a few stops and got out near the Theems. We met David, Yazz and Neil outside. Gramps and I went off to find a bathroom. After that we meet up again and our journey started.

What a nice group we had and it didn’t take long before when had a lot of fun. Walking, togging and get to know each other a bit. Some people spit they nuts out on you, other stay back and we had to wait, some others almost trip over a curve. Yep it was fun.


We went on walking up to building know as “the Walkie Talkie” or for the not London people: Sky Garden.
Mark and David booked a ticket for us and just before we got up, Dave joined us.

Graham is afraid of heights but I didn’t notice anything about him. It’s just 35 stories up. We had to put our stuff in the scan like you have to at the airport. A good security! It was a great view we got up in Sky Garden. You can look very far away, we were lucky, had a clear and sunny day.

After having a drink and wander around, we went done again. We all were hungry so we search for a pub and have a good meel. It was dinner time! Had a little walk back to Sky Garden with Yazz and we had a nice conversation.

Some off the group stayed at the pub, the rest of us went on to the Tower Brigde and had the opportunity to make some great pictures and have a ice cream.

If you want to see al the pictures of this wonderful day, click the different links below.

People @ London
Togs @ London

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My trip to England Part 1

Photography is a big thing in my life, it takes a lot of free time and I really love it.
Because of photography I meet a lot of different people with the same hobby.

It’s the reason I ended up in England. Some of my tog friends live over there. We set a date, I booked a plane and before you know it, you’re in England. The flight only lasted for 35 minutes.

I was picked up at the airport by my friend Graham. We had to make a short drive to his home and I met his wife and his dogs. I felt really welcome. We had a nice chat and it was time to go to bed. The next day we had to wait for Mark to come over and we go out to tog.

In the morning, Graham and I went out exploring Rayleigh. Or I did, because Graham knows the way. We visited a really nice church with and super graveyard. The people who know some of my work, see sometimes pass some cool graveyards I visited. A strange hobby but I like the live that has been there and the people who lived it. There’s a story to pick up.


After togging we went to a supermarket, I just can’t get used of the driving at the wrong side of the road and sitting and the right side of the car without a steering wheel in front of me. Who invented the wrong driving??? The English are strange people 😉 I get a fit if the car comes from the wrong side and the people are watching their phone behind the steering wheel or is a kid. Oh no, the don’t drive, they sit beside the driver. But one thing is the same… The drivers that come from the right are getting first at the equal road. Why didn’t they change that to the left likes all the other things they do different?

But we went in the supermarket, got the things we needed and wen’t to the lady behind the cash deck. I had a hard time to understand her. She talked so fast and my English isn’t that good. It has been a few (ahum) years I got English at school, I write a lot of English the last year, but speaking it is something different. My host, Graham, I understand him perfect and most of the time he understands me. English with a strong Dutch accent and some Dutch words in between.

Around noon Mark arrived and when I had all his stuff in, we went to have some Jelly Eels at Leigh on Sea! I let Graham eat haring in The Netherlands so now I had to try some Jelly eels… Graham ordered a big cup of the eels and also a rollmop for me. (jeuh!)

I’m a big girl and will try it, but I really don’t understand the jelly with the fish. There is also a fishbone left in the eel and you have to roll it out with your tongue. (WHY???) They put some vinegar and pepper over it and off you go…


Pic by Graham
Pic by Graham

It tasted almost like nothing! I really don’t understand the fuss about it. When you get off the jelly, the eel is almost nothing in taste. But ok, I tried it. We wandered around a bit more and then went back to the car. Just in time, we forgot to get a parking ticket and a guard was watching Graham’s car. But gladly he didn’t got a fine.

For dinner we went to a fish and chips store and I choose a fish and chips. You can’t have been in England without eating fish and chips can’t you. We took it back home and eat our dinner. It’s tasted ok, but I missed some vegetables with it. Yep I’m a naggy Dutch…

We had a lovely evening, talking and editing our pics.

If you are curious for more pics, you can check them out here!

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Dieren vind ik fantastisch, maar honden staan toch wel hoog aan de top.
Honden fotograferen is nog leuker, ze werken nooit mee, doe altijd net het andere als dat jij graag wil.

Dat maakt het extra leuk als je dan mooie resultaten behaald.
En wat is er nu gaver om een mooie foto van je huisdier te hebben. Mijn halve huis hangt ermee vol.

Zoals jullie ook op de site kunnen zien, maak ik ook graag analoge foto’s. Nog een grotere sport om een hond er goed op te krijgen, zeker als je alles handmatig in moet stellen en het licht moet meten.
Maar als je dan een scherpe foto hebt, is het jeuh gevoel nog vele malen groter.

Zelf heb ik een Drentsche Patrijshond van 11,5 jaar, een Teckel van 7 en een Schotse Gordon Setter van 4,5 maand. Een heerlijke roedel die al goed op elkaar ingespeeld zijn en onze familieleden zijn.

Mijn honden

And now for my English and American friends:

I love animals in general but dogs are my biggest love. To take pictures of dogs is a lot of fun. They don’t sit or stand still, will never do what you want them to do.

It’s great fun when you get that one great picture you had in mind. It takes time and a lot of patience. But is great to have a nice picture of your dog. My house is crowded with pics of them.

As you can see on this site, I also like to work with analog camera’s. Take a picture on the old way, al the settings you have to make yourself, measuring the light. It’s not easy to get a sharp picture of a dog with an analog cam. But when you got one, that’s gives you the WOW feeling.

This are a pictures taken with a analog camera. The KIEV88, B&W film, 100 iso and the Olympus OM-2, colorfilm, 200 iso

The white dog is a Drentsche Patrijshond (Dutch breed) from 11,5 years
The little black dog is a Dashhund or Teckel is 7 years
And the youngest one is a Scottisch Gordon Setter from 4,5 months by the time I wrote this piece.

The other dogs you’ll see on the pics, are friends we meet along the way.

If you want to see more pics, click here!

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Try out The Southern Blues Explosion

Vrijdag 9 juni 2017

Samen met Suus op pad, eerst naar de openluchtfilm op het Raadhuisplein. De film onze jongens kijken. Wat een leuke ervaring!



Maar om 23.10u hebben we deze mooie jongens verlaten voor een paar stoere mannen te gaan bekijken in de Mads. The Southern Blues Explosion had hun try out. Dat willen we graag zien!

Het was goed druk in de Mads en de band stond al te spelen.
Wat een mooie combinatie deze club. Allemaal goede artiesten die nu samen aan de gang zijn gegaan.

Meer van The Southern Blues Explosion zien, klik dan hier!

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The pictures can be used with ©Eigengeraaid logo, original size/cut and with name tag. The pictures can’t be used for commercial purpose without permission from Eigengeraaid. For questions:

Needle Art Tattoo Convention 2017

Op naar Breda, Needle Art Convention was aan de gang.
Daarbij had mijn maatje Bram wat spulletjes nodig en wat lekkers te eten.

Camera mee en lekker rond wandelen. De sfeer proeven, de kunstwerken bekijken en een paar bekende mensen tegen komen.

Jammer genoeg was het erg koud in de evenementenhal.

Meer van Needle Art Tattoo Convention zien, check ze hier!

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The pictures can be used with ©Eigengeraaid logo, original size/cut and with name tag. The pictures can’t be used for commercial purpose without permission from Eigengeraaid. For questions:

Harbor and Graveyard

Het was alweer even geleden, met Suus op pad.
Een ochtendje creatief fotograferen, elkaar wat tips geven en vooral gezellig samen bezig zijn.

Op naar de haven van Drimmelen. Daar aangekomen, begon het vrij snel te regenen. Tijd voor een bakske.
Het eerste restaurant wat we tegen kwamen ingelopen. Na onze break, was het ook weer droog en vooral zonnig en al warm aan het worden.

Na een rondje haven, langzaam aan maar eens op de terugweg. Natuurlijk binnendoor om niet overal onbewust voorbij te vliegen. We kwamen voorbij een kerk in Raamsdonk. Stukje door gereden, omgedraaid en terug. Een mooi onderwerp voor ons om te fotograferen.

Daar aangekomen, bleek er een gedeelte extreem oud kerkhof te liggen. Echt schitterend om te zien.
Camera’s in de aanslag en lekker rustig aan het fotograferen gegaan met respect voor de mensen die er begraven liggen.

Ook analoog foto’s gemaakt met de macro lens van Piet

En natuurlijk ook digitaal!

Meer foto’s zien, check ze hier!

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The pictures can be used with ©Eigengeraaid logo, original size/cut and with name tag. The pictures can’t be used for commercial purpose without permission from Eigengeraaid. For questions: